Park Hyatt, Milano

Architect: Flaviano Capriotti Architetti - Photo credits: Filippo e Andrea Tagliabue, Leo Torri Studio

« To develop the concept, I have drawn from the heritage and modernity of eminent post-war architects, by way of a valorisation of traditional materials and a preference for soft neutral shades. Central to the project are Milan and the Milanese lifestyle, together with the city’s history and culture.  [...] Fabrics are the medium I have selected to recount the light and colours of the Milanese sky, here we find neutral shades combined with golden yarns that literally sparkle and bring luminosity to the rooms, while other nuances echo the hues of the sunset in a palette that goes from yellow ochre to orange… apart from the traditional use of fabrics for curtains and upholstery covers, they have also been employed to produce proper upholstered boiserie elements, particularly in the bedrooms where entire walls have become out-of-scale headboards designed to embrace the guest. In my projects, fabric has always played a most important role since it is able to enhance the perception of comfort, not only in a tactile and visual sense but also, and above all, in terms of acoustics ».


Flaviano Capriotti


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